RBNV – Robot Builders Night Virtual – February 13, 2024

Meeting Video:

Chat Record:  Chat record (PDF)
Star Rewards  (★ = significant robot progress, ⭐ = robot progress and running on floor):
Stars are awarded by group during the meeting.
Mike Willingson – ⭐

Robie’s Highlights
• Good demostration of balancing robot: Arduino BLDC balancer robot – Tutorial
• Extracting object distance from blob math by Mike Williamson: in meeting video
• More info on 3 arrayed ToF sensors by Mike Williamson: in meeting video
• Excellent PID Tutorial: DC motor PID speed control


• February 13, starting at 7:30 PM Dallas time (CST).
• Robot Builders Night Virtual (RBNV) meets each Tuesday evening.

RBNV – Robot Builders Night Virtual – January 30, 2024

Meeting Video:

Chat Record:  Chat record (PDF)
Star Rewards  (★ = significant robot progress, ⭐ = robot progress and running on floor):
Stars are awarded by group during the meeting.
No stars rewarded this week

Robie’s Highlights
• Demo of 3 Arrayed ToF sensors by Mike Williamson – in meeting video
• Good info on I2C Clock Stretching Issues on Raspberry Pi: Article
• Excellent book on Raspberry Pi (also addresses I2C Clock Stretching solution): Harry Fairhead (Series of books)


• January 30, starting at 7:30 PM Dallas time (CST).
• Robot Builders Night Virtual (RBNV) meets each Tuesday evening.

DPRG Annual Meeting for 2024 – February 10, 2024

Annual Meeting Update
YouTube Video:  Video
Chat Record:  Chat record (PDF)
Slide Deck:  Slide Deck(PDF)

DPRG will hold its annual planning meeting on February 10, 2024. The meeting is scheduled for 11:30 AM – 4:00 PM at the Dallas Maker Space.

The tentative agenda is:

  • Officer Election
  • Planning for 2024
  • Robot Show and tell. Members are encouraged to bring their robots or robot projects to the meeting.

This is the first in-person meeting of 2024 and will cover many items important to the club. Members are strongly encouraged to plan on attending. There will be a Google meeting link for remote members.

Watch for updates.

RBNV – Robot Builders Night Virtual – January 9, 2024

Meeting Video:

Chat Record:  Chat Record was not captured.
Star Rewards  (★ = significant robot progress, ⭐ = robot progress and running on floor):
Stars are awarded by group during the meeting.
Mike Williamson – ⭐

Robie’s Highlights
• ROS2 on Raspberry Pi workshop outlined by Paul Bouchier – in meeting video


• January 9, starting at 7:30 PM Dallas time (CST).
• Robot Builders Night Virtual (RBNV) meets each Tuesday evening.

RBNV – Robot Builders Night Virtual – January 2, 2024

Meeting Video:

Chat Record:  Chat record (PDF)
Star Rewards  (★ = significant robot progress, ⭐ = robot progress and running on floor):
Stars are awarded by group during the meeting.
Jon Hylands – ⭐
Iron Reign – ★

Robie’s Highlights
• ROS2 running in Docker on a Raspberry Pi by Paul Bouchier – in meeting video

• January 2, starting at 7:30 PM Dallas time (CST).
• Robot Builders Night Virtual (RBNV) meets each Tuesday evening.