Workshop – Moving from the Arduino Environment with Style

Doug’s Slidedeck: Slidedeck (PDF)

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Most beginning Arduino users struggle in two areas when taking the next step in their programming journey. These areas are moving to a more professional IDE and learning a style that improves their programming. This workshop attempts to help beginners over these two obstacles. The first area is addressed by having the participant install a working version of Visual Code / PlatformIO including a GIT integration with The second area is addressed by showing a style of programming that will include some best practices and how to setup multifile projects. The workshop is taught by DPRG to help beginning roboticists but is open to all. Instructor is Doug Paradis with help from Carl Ott.


• July 16, starting at 12:00 PM (Noon) Dallas time (CST).
• Location is the Interactive room of the Dallas Makerspace
Address: 1825 Monetary Ln #104 Carrollton, TX 75006

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