Annual Meeting – 2021

Meeting Video:

Chat Record:  Chat record (PDF)
Carl’s Slide Deck:  Slide Deck (PDF)

DPRG will hold its annual member meeting this January 9th. The meeting starts at 1:00 PM CST and will be held virtually using Google Hangouts. This important gathering is where the club’s plans for the upcoming year are discussed and determined. The election of officers for 2021 is also finalized at this meeting. Members who have not voted yet, see voting instructions and vote!

All members who want to have a say in the club’s activities for next year need to attend.

How to join meeting:

• Join Hangouts Meet
• Or join by phone ‪+1 405-586-5598‬ ‬ PIN: ‪682 931 335 #‬


  • Carl Ott, the current president, will sum up the club’s 2020 activities and discuss the state of the club.
  • The candidates for 2021 officer positions will be introduced.
  • The 2021 election will be closed after all attendees have had a chance to vote.
  • Ron Grant, the election overseer, will combine the votes received prior to the meeting by email and the votes made at the meeting, and announce the election results.
  • The new president will take office.
  • The new president will lead the annual planning meeting.
  • The club’s 2021 annual planning meeting will start:
    • Determine requirements necessary before the club meets in person or attends a community event.
    • Discussion on competition strategy and determination of tentative schedule .
    • Determine topics that members want to have presented at the monthly meeting and ask for volunteers to cover topics.
    • Debate potential 2021 club projects (some ideas below).
      • Telepresence robot to provide virtual experience to non-virtual gatherings (ex. club picnic in July).
      • Club robot build for 2021 with modules developed by teams from around the world.
    • Listen to suggestions and ideas on how to make the club better.
  • Member show and tell of projects.

DPRG Annual Meeting – 2020

DPRG 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes:  Annual Meeting Minutes – 2020

Every year in January, DPRG’s members meet at the club’s annual meeting. This meeting is where officers for the new year are elected, and members discuss club plans. The 2020 DPRG annual meeting will be held at the Dallas Maker Space on January 11th at noon.


  • Ray Casler, the current president, will sum up the club’s 2019 activities and discuss the state of the club.
  • The candidates for 2020 officer positions will be introduced.
  • The 2020 election will be closed after all attendees have had a chance to vote.
  • Ron Grant, the election overseer, will combine the votes received prior to the meeting by email and the votes made at the meeting, and announce the election results.
  • The new president will take office.
  • The new president will preside over the annual planning meeting.
  • The club’s 2020 annual planning meeting will start:
    • New president will discuss club direction for upcoming year.
    • Determine community events that the club will participate in.
    • Formation of Competition committee.
    • Determine topics that members want to have presented at the monthly meeting and ask for volunteers to cover topics.
    • Listen to suggestions and ideas on how to make the club better.
  • Member show and tell of projects.