Monthly Meeting – Feb 11, 2017

Ron’s slide deck: slide deck (PDF)

Meeting is at Noon, on Saturday Feb 11, at the Dallas Maker Space.

Ron Grant will  present an overview of the Processing environment, how to add libraries and tools, and show some simple examples. He will illustrate what can be done with the tool without a big commitment in time.

Presentation will cover:

  • Easing into Java from C

  • Basic graphics examples.

  • Two GUI Building Variants.

  • Serial Interface — talking to micro-controllers

  • Video Capture

Highlighted is a joint project with Will Kuhnle  – Interfacing a web cam to Arduino to control a 2D puck grabber arm.

As always, remember to bring and share your projects with other members in an informal show and tell session after the presentation.

Posted in Meeting Announcements, News.