General Info

Current DPRG Officers

President: Paul Bouchier president(at)
Vice President: Carl Ott vice-president(at)
Secretary: Doug Paradis secretary(at)
Treasurer: Steve Edwards treasurer(at)
IT Officer: TBD it-officer(at)
Librarian: John Kuhlenschmidt librarian(at)
Webmaster: Doug Paradis webmaster(at)
PostMaster: Doug Paradis postmaster(at)

See officer duties for job descriptions.

DPRG Mission Statement

  • To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information among amateurs, professionals, and academics interested in robotics and related technologies by holding regular meetings.
  • To assist members in the design and construction of robots through volume discounts on purchases, advice, and access to test equipment and tools not available to most individuals.
  • To encourage the awareness and acceptance of robotics in the general public through the collection and dissemination of information, public demonstrations, and the holding of contests that showcase the abilities and uses of robots.

DPRG Organizational Documents