Fall Indoor Competition – 6 Can contest Results

This year’s Fall indoor competition consisted of a single contest, the perennial favorite Six Can.  This contest was designed to be a training event for the Roborama Can-Can Soccer event held in May. It is similar to Can-Can Soccer without the opposing robot. A competing robot must collect 6 cans from the Can-Can Soccer arena and deposit them at the opposing goal.

This contest has seen a large variety of approaches to the problem over its lifetime. This year was not different. The winning robot, Can Man, used a spinning LiDAR (RoboPeak) and camera to determine location and target cans. The second place robot, VEX navigator, which used the VEX IQ modular system, determined it location with odometry. This robot used sonar and a Pixy (CMUCAM5) vision sensor to target cans. The third place robot, Rainman, used a completely targeting methodology and didn’t track robot location. It sported a LiDAR lite (v2), Pixy, and a goal trip switch to handle the tasks of capturing cans and depositing them at the goal.


DPRG President Steve Edwards handing out prizes to the winners of Six Can.
Scott Gibson (1st),   Doug Paradis (2nd),  Ray Casler(3rd)


The robot runs can be seen on youTube at Fall Competition 2016 – Six Can .

Posted in Competition, News.