DPRG Monthly Meeting: Using AI to Detect Traffic Cones – June 22, 2024

Slide Deck:  Slide Deck (PDF)

Join DPRG in a virtual meeting held on June 22, 2024, at 10:00AM CDT for a presentation by Bob Cook, winner of the 2023 SRS RoboMagellan, on how to use AI to detect traffic cones. Bob will cover everything from data collection to building a model and loading it onto a small board computer. This is a great opportunity to see in a practical manner how a model is built.

RBNV – Robot Builders Night Virtual – June 11, 2024

Meeting Video:

Chat Record:  Chat record (PDF)
Star Rewards  (★ = significant robot progress, ⭐ = robot progress and running on floor):
Stars are awarded by group during the meeting.

Jon Hylands – ⭐
Robie’s Highlights:
• Jon H. – Demonstrated new balancing robot
• Jon H. – Showed small ESP32 board made by Unexpected Maker, the Tiny S3
• General discussion on which microprocessors to recommend for beginners.
• Ray C. – Discussed “ESP32 Cheap Yellow Display” used by Random Nerds
• Ray C. – Discussed new AI camera option – MaixCAM
• Doug P. – Discussed new Hats for Rpi with split PCE buss – exciting future
• Ray C. – Update and discussion on Ray’s poor man’s 360 camera idea
• Harold P. – Discussed Vintage Computer Festival at UTD this weekend
• Mike W. – Discussion on tracked robots (tanks).
• Tom C. – Starting to gather info for new rover robot


• June 11, starting at 7:30 PM Dallas time (CDT).
• Robot Builders Night Virtual (RBNV) meets each Tuesday evening.

Roborama-2024 Robot Gallery

Here are the robots that participated in DPRG’s Roborama-2024. Click image for larger view.

Roborama Results – June 1, 2024

DPRG held its 28th Roborama competition and its first concurrent international robotics tournament (USA and Canada), with live participation and interactions from both / all venues. The event was successful with epic enthusiasm by all participants and spectators.  Unfortunately, the video was lost due to technical difficulties. However, it is hoped that some run videos and robot pictures may make it to the web site. So, look for further updates. The results are below:

Roborama – 2024 Competition – June 1, 2024

Local: Dallas Maker Space, Carrollton, TX,  Remote: Stoney Creek, Ontario., Canada

Contest Place Contestant Robot Name Score/Time
Quick Trip – Wheeled 1st Mark Reynolds PwPw 7 – 8:86
Remote Quick Trip – Wheeled 1st Tom Crawford One Trick Pony 6 – 27:08
Quick Trip – Wheeled 2nd Scott Gibson YAR 7 – 10:43
Remote Quick Trip – Wheeled 2nd Pat Caron Wooden Monster 6 – 53.26
Quick Trip – Wheeled 3rd Harold Pulcher Jimbot 7 – 12:20
Quick Trip – Non-wheeled 1st Paul Bouchier PiDog 6 – 2:05
Remote Quick Trip – Non-wheeled 1st Jon Hylands Roz 5 – 38.22
Quick Trip – Non-wheeled 2nd Doug Dodgen DougDog 6 – 2:22
Quick Trip – Non-wheeled 3rd Doug Paradis GimpDog 5 – ??
Four Corners (12-ft sq) 1st Scott Gibson YAR 2.125”
Remote – Four Corners (8-ft sq) 1st Pat Caron Wooden Monster 2”
Four Corners 2nd Mark Reynolds PwPw 2.875”
FourCorners 3rd Scott Gibson CanMan 3.5”
Six-Cans 1st Scott Gibson Can Man 6 – 2:40

RBNV – Robot Builders Night Virtual – May 28, 2024

Meeting Video:

Chat Record:  Chat record (PDF)
Star Rewards  (★ = significant robot progress, ⭐ = robot progress and running on floor):
Stars are awarded by group during the meeting.

No stars rewarded this week

Robie’s Highlights:
• Ray C. – Described his appliance that links his robot to his laptop via Serial using a ESP-NOW.
• Brief discussion of Wixel.
• Jon H. – Showed his progress on a new robot based on Adam Savage’s Star Wars robot prop.
• Discussion on Roborama rules.
• Discussion on sensors used by Mike W. on his 3 unit ToF sensor’s with 8×8 senssing array per sensor.
• People discussing problems (whining) they were having with their robots pre-competition.
• Paul B. offered basic PiDog program for Quick Trip on GitHub to encourage participation.


• May 28, starting at 7:30 PM Dallas time (CDT).
• Robot Builders Night Virtual (RBNV) meets each Tuesday evening.