Monthly Meeting – April 8th

Meeting is at Noon, on Saturday April 8, at the Dallas Maker Space.

Members of Iron Reign FTC team will demo their award winning  robot at the meeting. The Iron Reign team has a long time association with DPRG. This year they won the Judges Award at the South Super Regional and will be competing in the state championship. Their robot has become more sophisticated each year. It will be fun to view the construction and hear the strategies they are using in this year’s contests.

 April is also the month where the 2nd part of the meeting is devoted to Roborama  contest practice. The courses will be available for anyone wanting to test their robots.

As always, remember to bring and share your projects with other members in an informal show and tell session after the presentation.


iMake 2017

iMake, a festival sponsored by the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History to celebrate the Maker movement, gives people a chance to be “a maker for a day”. The event collects demonstrations and on-hand activities created by a diverse group of organizations, and provides a venue for sharing them with young children and parents.

DPRG  manned a five table exhibit with interactive demonstrations of robots, Kinect, CNC drawing, 3D perspective tracking, LiDar, automated xylophone, Roborealm modeling, manual driven robot arm, and 3d printing.  Also, Big Robie made an appearance, all bright and shiny for this year’s event season.

The booth was crewed by Steve Edwards, Eric Chaney, Carl Ott, John  Kuhlenschmidt, Ray Caslier, and Doug Paradis. The all day event occurred on April 1, 2017.

Monthly Meeting – March 11th

Meeting is at Noon, on Saturday Mar 11, at the Dallas Maker Space.

Eric Chaney will present an overview of AForge, a C# framework designed for developers and researchers in the fields of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence. Eric’s presentation will focus on the use of AForge with OpenCV.

Highlighted is a robot using AForge.

As always, remember to bring and share your projects with other members in an informal show and tell session after the presentation.

Club Robot Build Session at

Mark your calendars! On Thursday, March 16th, DPRG will hold a robot build session at in Plano, TX between 6:30 PM an 11:00 PM. This is the first DPRG event at The event’s purpose is to help people complete their club or other robot. However if you have another project, please feel free to come work on it and socialize. Everyone is welcome.

Monthly Meeting – Feb 11, 2017

Ron’s slide deck: slide deck (PDF)

Meeting is at Noon, on Saturday Feb 11, at the Dallas Maker Space.

Ron Grant will  present an overview of the Processing environment, how to add libraries and tools, and show some simple examples. He will illustrate what can be done with the tool without a big commitment in time.

Presentation will cover:

  • Easing into Java from C

  • Basic graphics examples.

  • Two GUI Building Variants.

  • Serial Interface — talking to micro-controllers

  • Video Capture

Highlighted is a joint project with Will Kuhnle  – Interfacing a web cam to Arduino to control a 2D puck grabber arm.

As always, remember to bring and share your projects with other members in an informal show and tell session after the presentation.

DPRG Team wins Collidathon – Entrepreneurs IoT Hackathon

After DPRG  team’s success at the AT&T Hackathon, other DPRG members decided to try their hand in a similar event. They received their chance with Collidathon, an IoT hackathon event orientated towards entrepreneurs. The event was spread over two weekends (Jan 21 – Jan 29, 2017) and offered a spot in the Collide Village Incubation Program to the top 3 teams. Approximately 250 people initially participated in the event, and 14 teams were selected to advance to the second week of the competition. The DPRG team took first place in the competition, besting all other teams.

The team had to abandon their initial project idea after market analysis showed that idea to be in an area with many competitors. They joked that they would have to name their company “Red Ocean Security” due to all the chum in the water. Their second project idea turned out to be in a much less explored area, hence their company name of “Blue Ocean Technology” or BOT for short.

The team consisted of DPRG members: Carl Ott, Thomas Ericsson, Steve Edwards, and Jian Shi. Also on the team was Gary Ramsey (not in the picture above), who is not a DPRG member.

Learn more about Collidathon at



DPRG Hackathon Team Advances

DPRG’s own Hackathon team of Jain Shi, David Ackley, Omar Barlas, and Carl Ott have successfully advanced to the next tier of the AT&T IoT Hackathon. They are one of four teams in the nation to be invited to compete in the Mechatronics challenge at the AT&T Developers Conference in Las Vegas held in early January. With their selection, AT&T has provided help with airfare and travel expenses for two members of the team. The whole team plans to go to Las Vegas and they are sharing the cost. If they place in the top three teams, they would win a nice cash prize. Wish them luck!

The team will be discussing the Hackathon experience and their project at the December 10th, 2016 DPRG monthly meeting.

The featured picture is missing team member Carl Ott who is pictured below.

                                   Carl Ott


DPRG Hackathon Team – Wins AT&T Mechatronics prize

It started with an email from an AT&T Dallas Hackathon organizer inviting DPRG to participate in their November event. A group of DPRG members quickly joined together to form a team. The Hackathon lasted an evening (Nov 18th) and a day (Nov 19th), with the option to work through the night. The team developed their project idea fairly quickly, but then wasted the first evening chasing false paths of hardware choices  and software packages. The next day with clearer minds, they were able to develop a prototype that they presented at the end of the event.

The attending crowd and judges received the presented prototype with interest and enthusiasm. A little later the team found that they had won the Mechatronics prize of $2500 and become semifinalists for the AT&T Invitational at their annual Developer Conference in January. The team is busily developing their idea and preparing a video for submission to this next tier of competition. Wish them luck!


DPRG AT&T Hackathon Team

A good article about the AT&T Hackathon event including the DPRG team was written by David Moore of .
The link is Dallas Hackathon Highlights Local Coders’ Creativity, Problem-Solving Skills .

RoboColumbus Plus 2016 Results

Avondale Park in Denton, TX provided an excellent venue for RoboColumbus Plus 2016 held on November 19th. The weather was a brisk clear Autumn day. Contestants and spectators all had a great time watching the robots make their attempts at the course. This year’s course was the most challenging course in RoboColumbus history.

Image of home cone showing first target cone in the distance

RoboColumbus is an outdoor robot competition that was patterned after the RoboMagellan competition run by Seattle Robotics Society. RoboColumbus was always meant to be a training ground for DPRG members to improve their outdoor rover knowledge and be simpler than RoboMagellan. It started out as a course with one cone that was positioned about 50 feet from the starting line in a clear path. Participating robots drove autonomously from the starting line to the cone. The robots received points if they touched the cone and stopped.

In 2014, the distance between the starting cone and the target cone was increased to 100 yards. The path between the starting line and the target cone continued to have no obstacles. However, the course could have high grass, holes, and other terrain irregularities. The robots could score points for: coming close to the cone and not stopping (1 pt), being close to the cone and stopping (1 pt), touching the cone and stopping (1 pt).  A perfect score was 3 points.

In 2015 the name was changed to RoboColumbus Plus and  the course was expanded by an extra cone that had no clear path from the first target or home cones. The distance between each of the 3 cones (target 1- clear path, target 2 – obstacles in path, and home cone – obstacles in path) was kept at 100 yards. Scoring was similar to what was done in 2014. A prefect score was 9 points. Time of run determined winners when multiple robots achieved 9 points. This new contest and scoring method has worked well for both beginning and seasoned contestants. It allows beginners to see progress, yet challenges seasoned roboticists.

This year three roboticists participated. Two robots, jBot and B.U.R.P., scored perfect scores of 9 points. The remaining robot, Rover 3, came close to all three cones to score 3 points. B.U.R.P, which participated in the 2015 RoboColumbus Plus sported major improvements this year. Besides major software enhancements, it had a completely new obstacle avoidance sensor array with motorized pitch adjustment, new encoders, new IMU, and also added a camera and GPS. The winning robot, jBot, has achieved perfect scores for 2 years running.

robocolubus_nov_2016_winnersDoug Paradis (rover3 – 3rd),   David Anderson (jBot – 1st),   Scott Gibson (B.U.R.P. – 2nd)


The robot runs can be seen on youTube at RoboColumbus Plus 2016



Fall Indoor Competition – 6 Can contest Results

This year’s Fall indoor competition consisted of a single contest, the perennial favorite Six Can.  This contest was designed to be a training event for the Roborama Can-Can Soccer event held in May. It is similar to Can-Can Soccer without the opposing robot. A competing robot must collect 6 cans from the Can-Can Soccer arena and deposit them at the opposing goal.

This contest has seen a large variety of approaches to the problem over its lifetime. This year was not different. The winning robot, Can Man, used a spinning LiDAR (RoboPeak) and camera to determine location and target cans. The second place robot, VEX navigator, which used the VEX IQ modular system, determined it location with odometry. This robot used sonar and a Pixy (CMUCAM5) vision sensor to target cans. The third place robot, Rainman, used a completely targeting methodology and didn’t track robot location. It sported a LiDAR lite (v2), Pixy, and a goal trip switch to handle the tasks of capturing cans and depositing them at the goal.


DPRG President Steve Edwards handing out prizes to the winners of Six Can.
Scott Gibson (1st),   Doug Paradis (2nd),  Ray Casler(3rd)


The robot runs can be seen on youTube at Fall Competition 2016 – Six Can .