DPRG Elections, Bylaws Changes, and Smart Camera Panel – Jan 25, 2025

DPRG will hold its annual members’ meeting on Saturday January 25th at 10am at the Dallas Makerspace North Lobby classroom. Online attendance will be supported using the Google Meet link meet.google.com/mwm-imzg-rss There will be a DPRG doorbell for entry at the Dallas Maker Space, like usual.

The annual meeting is where DPRG handles important business, and members have a chance to share their views concerning club direction. It is important that members try to attend.

Meeting Agenda:

  • 10:15am President’s report on the previous year
  • Election of 2025 Officers
  • Discussion of proposed change to the DPRG bylaws, replacing Librarian with IT Officer. Possible vote on the proposed change.
  • Brainstorm member wants/suggestions for 2025, or anything else
  • 12:00 Noon Pizza lunch
  • 12:30 Smart Camera panel – where several DPRG members who’ve used different smart cameras will present a summary of their camera’s capabilities and their experience with it.


DPRG Elections

A slate of candidates is proposed below. It is the same slate of officers that held office this past year. Any member can come forward and be added to the list of people considered for the various officer’s positions. If you want to explore holding office, an overview of officer duties can be found at  officer duties. You can also get additional information by talking to an existing officer at any monthly meeting or RBNV (held every Tuesday at 7:30 PM). If you want to throw your hat into the ring, please let me know quickly by emailing “secretary at dprg dot org” so you can be added to the ballot.

Proposed Slate of Officers for 2025

President: Paul Bouchier
Vice-President: Carl Ott
Treasurer: Steve Edwards
Secretary: Doug Paradis
Librarian: John Kuhlenschmidt

How to Vote

All members in good standing can vote. The list of members is at member list. If you are not on the list and you think you should be, the problem is most likely that you need to renew your membership. Contact “secretary at dprg dot org” if you need help renewing your membership.

Members can vote by emailing their vote to “election at dprg dot org”before the January 25th meeting. This routes your vote to Ron Grant, who oversees the voting. The email should contain the text “I vote for the proposed officer slate”, or “I vote for the following people for office”, or similar text that allows our volunteer election vote counter to determine your intentions.

Members can also vote in person or proxy at the January 25th DPRG meeting. If voting by proxy, you should signal your intention to vote by proxy by sending an email to the person that you are giving control of your vote and to “election at dprg dot org” so the person holding your proxy and the person tallying votes knows of your intention. The person holding the proxy must then vote. The club’s bylaws require that a specific percentage of members vote to make the election official.

Proposed Bylaws Changes:

The DPRG board observed that the Librarian board member position was important in the 1980’s and 90’s, when a big value that the club delivered to members was lending data books, tools, SW media, etc. Having the Librarian on the board made sense. In the 2020’s, lending almost doesn’t happen – times have changed and so much data and SW is online and free, and the club has almost nothing but competition gear in its library. The new big value the club offers is its online systems that help members communicate, and which are also a repository for information (e.g. website, YouTube channel, Google Meet, Discord, Facebook, GitHub and more), These online systems are administered by several individuals, but the board believes overall responsibility for online systems is a big enough part of the value the club delivers to members that we want to make it a board position, to replace the Librarian board position.

Original bylaw

Section 2.2.5 Librarian It shall be the duty of the Librarian to maintain and safeguard the corporate library, which may include software, hardware and media components. The Librarian shall maintain complete records of all materials loaned to members and shall enforce such lending policies as are set by resolution of the board. The Librarian shall perform such additional duties as the President may delegate. There shall not be a limit to the number of consecutive terms a member can serve as Librarian.

Proposed bylaw 

Section 2.2.5 IT Officer It shall be the duty of the IT Officer to implement policies and procedures for online systems as directed by the board. The IT Officer shall maintain a list of all the DPRG-managed online systems, and shall authorize a primary and backup system admin for each. The IT Officer might not have admin privileges for every system, but shall ensure that at least two admins do. The IT Officer shall ensure that all necessary system maintenance is performed, which may include user lists, content, backups, and subscription payments. The IT Officer shall perform such additional duties as the President may delegate. There shall not be a limit to the number of consecutive terms a member can serve as IT Officer.

Section 3.1 – Elected officers: Librarian to be replaced by IT Officer

We will discuss the proposed bylaws change at the meeting, possibly amend it, and take a poll of members present as to whether to hold a vote to approve it. If members present decide to vote on it, a two-week window after the meeting will be opened for all members to vote on the proposal as amended.

Smart Camera Panel:

There will be a panel discussion after lunch in which several members who have experience with different smart cameras will present the key parameters of their camera (e.g. how smart, depth capability, AI capability, performance, dev experience, etc.), followed by a short Q&A and discussion on each.

DPRG Meetings (monthly and RBNV) Cancelled for Rest of 2024 – Power Lunch on Dec 30

There will be no DPRG December meeting at the Dallas MakerSpace. Also, the RBNV meetings for December 24 and 31 have been cancelled. DPRG wishes everyone a good holiday season and New Year. The next meeting is RBNV on January 7, 2025.

In place of the December meeting we will have a robot power holiday lunch at Kelly’s Craft Tavern on Preston just north of highway 121 on December 30. It will begin at 11am and you can arrive anytime before noon, when lunch will be served. We will have a private area to socialize in, capable of holding up to 20 people, and we will have waiter service for food and beverages.

Please RSVP here if you haven’t already done so. We’ve got about a dozen RSVPs so far.

Everyone is responsible for their own tab.
3191 Preston Road, Frisco, TX 75034

See you there

DPRG Monthly Meeting – RoboColumbus-Plus Canada RESCHEDULED– October 26, 2024

Join DPRG on October 26, 2024, 10:00AM CDT, at the Dallas Maker Space for a group meeting. The Canadian RoboColumbus Plus Competition to be held in the Stoney Creek, Onterio area has been rescheduled to coincide with the local competition in Farmersville on November 23rd.

At this month’s meeting, Dallas area competitors in next month’s local RoboColumbus-Plus competition, are encouraged to show-and-tell the current progress of their robots.

Pizza will be served at Noon. The meeting is open to all.

note: The featured image of this article is part of an inside DPRG running joke with our Canadian members.

DPRG Monthly Meeting – How to Debug with JTAG, and ROS2 on a Rpi Zero 2W – September 28, 2024

Join DPRG on September 28, 2024, 10:00AM CDT, at the Dallas Maker Space for two presentations made by DPRG’s own Scott Gibson and Mike Williamson.

GitHub Link:  ROS2 on Rpi Zero 2W
Mike presents his “ROS2 on Raspberry Pi Zero 2W” project – the cheapest way to experiment with ROS2. ROS2 is a set of open-source robotic middleware and tools.

Scott’s Slidedeck:  Develop and Debug with JTag and VisualGDB
Scott shows us “How to Debug with JTAG” for microcontrollers and even the Raspberry Pi. JTAG is an industry standard for testing, debugging, and programming electronic devices. This presentation will introduce you to true debugging, versus beginner methods such as adding print statements.

These presentations are a great opportunity to be introduced to both of these powerful techniques, which will improve your robot building skills. Pizza will be served at the meeting.

More Details about Presentations:

Debugging using JTAG – Scott Gibson

“I will be using visual studio (code , community, or the full version will work)  I will be using it with visualGDB plugin. VisualGDB has a trial period but is a package that is purchased. I will be reviewing two different arm families. The LPC series from NXP and the stm32 platform from ST. I will mostly cover C code from my robots. And show some coding bugs I have run into.” Scott previewed his talk at the Robot Builder’s Night Virtual; video clip of his preview at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQRFLpQ_vis&t=60s

Scott provided this document that shows what you should install in order to debug with a JTAG interface:
ROS2 on Rasberry Pi Zero 2W – Mike Williamson

This project installs the Robot Operating System, ROS2, on about the cheapest ($15) platform that can run it, and connects an LED and an SR04 Ultrasonic range sensor and makes them work. If you’ve got $20 to spend on self-improvement, this is good value. If you have an old Raspberry Pi 3 lying around, or a 4, they will work too (and run faster).

Per suggestion at a monthly meeting, we will likely have a few sessions on ROS2 that will each be shorter in length than usual, possibly presented by different speakers, which will build up from the basics. This is the first one (and the first time we’ve tried this). The intent is to eventually aggregate them into a composite video that covers the topic.

Mike provided a github repo with a README that shows you what parts you need, and what to download:

A direct link to the wiring diagram and parts you need is:


DPRG Monthly Meeting: Intro to CAD – August 24, 2024

Slide Deck (DesignSpark Mechanical / 3D Printers): Slide Deck (PDF)

Join DPRG on August 24, 2024, 10:00AM CDT, at the Dallas Maker Space for dual presentations highlighting two perspectives on how to get kickstarted into learning computer aided design, CAD. Learning CAD can be daunting, and beginners are often overwhelmed. Presenters Jon Hylands and Doug Paradis will show two approaches using different CAD programs: onshape, an excellent web-based CAD program, and DesignSpark Mechanical, a simplified version of SpaceClaim Engineer.

Both presenters will be stressing “How do you get started?”.

The presentations will use a simple pendulum example proposed by Paul Bouchier and follow up with a slightly more complex bumper design. Again, overcoming the hurdle of getting started and the mindset used versus the mechanics of the programs will be the emphasis of the talks.

This is a great opportunity to finally figure out how to get started in CAD and meet others with similar interests. Pizza will be served at the meeting.

Note: If you want to follow along with the presentations you should have an account with both onshape and DesignSpark, and have the free version of DesignSpark Mechanical loaded on your computer.
onshape registration
DesignSpark Mechanial Download and registration

DPRG Monthly Meeting: Swap Meet and Gathering – July 27, 2024

Join DPRG on July 27, 2024, 10:00AM CDT at the Dallas Maker Space for a Swap Meet and social gathering. There will be no presentation this month, however there will be pizza. Members are encouraged to use this opportunity to socialize with other members and guests, and to dig deep into their hoard of robotic parts and offer them for swapping. This is a great opportunity to get to know other members better, prove that you aren’t really a hoarder (you just like shiny), and maybe pick up something interesting.

Join Meeting Remotely:

• Join Hangouts Meet https://meet.google.com/mwm-imzg-rss
• Join by phone: (US) +1 470-222-8542 , PIN: 334726924

DPRG Monthly Meeting: Using AI to Detect Traffic Cones – June 22, 2024

Slide Deck:  Slide Deck (PDF)

Join DPRG in a virtual meeting held on June 22, 2024, at 10:00AM CDT for a presentation by Bob Cook, winner of the 2023 SRS RoboMagellan, on how to use AI to detect traffic cones. Bob will cover everything from data collection to building a model and loading it onto a small board computer. This is a great opportunity to see in a practical manner how a model is built.

RBNV – Robot Builders Night Virtual – May 28, 2024

Meeting Video:

Chat Record:  Chat record (PDF)
Star Rewards  (★ = significant robot progress, ⭐ = robot progress and running on floor):
Stars are awarded by group during the meeting.

No stars rewarded this week

Robie’s Highlights:
• Ray C. – Described his appliance that links his robot to his laptop via Serial using a ESP-NOW.
• Brief discussion of Wixel.
• Jon H. – Showed his progress on a new robot based on Adam Savage’s Star Wars robot prop.
• Discussion on Roborama rules.
• Discussion on sensors used by Mike W. on his 3 unit ToF sensor’s with 8×8 senssing array per sensor.
• People discussing problems (whining) they were having with their robots pre-competition.
• Paul B. offered basic PiDog program for Quick Trip on GitHub to encourage participation.


• May 28, starting at 7:30 PM Dallas time (CDT).
• Robot Builders Night Virtual (RBNV) meets each Tuesday evening.

DPRG Monthly Meeting: Designing and Making PC Boards – April 27, 2024

Meeting Video:

Slide Deck:  Slide Deck (PDF)

Join DPRG at the Dallas Maker Space on April 27, 2024 at 10:00AM CDT for a presentation by Brady Pamplin on how to design printed circuit boards and have them made professionally. Use the DPRG Door Bell for entry. Pizza will be served during the meeting. Meeting will also be streamed over Google meets (new link: meet.google.com/mwm-imzg-rss Join by phone: (US) +1 470-222-8542, PIN: 334726924) for remote viewing.

DPRG Monthly Meeting: KABAM Robotics Presentation – March 23, 2024

Saturday, March 23 at 10:00 AM CDT, DPRG will have a presentation from Rob Salsman, KABAM Robotics VP, who will talk about their security robots CO-LAB (indoor) and HALO (outdoor).

KABAM Robotics is a Singaporean company specializing in security and surveillance robots. They are ramping up their US activities, and also starting to hire engineers to be based here. This could be a great networking opportunity if you’re looking for work in Robotics!

You can look at videos of the robots in action on KABAM’s website at https://kabam.ai – The robots have interesting solutions to navigation problems that robot builders try to solve for DPRG’s Roborama contests.

Following the presentation and questions, members are encouraged to bring their projects and robots for a show and tell.

Meeting Videos:
Part 1- KABAM Robotics

Chat Record:  Chat record (PDF)
Part 2- Regular Monthly Meeting

Chat Record:  Chat record (PDF)


  • March 23, 2024
  • 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM CDT – Pizza will be served at lunch time


  • Dallas Makerspace – North Lobby Classroom (ring DPRG doorbell to be admitted)
  • 1825 Monetary Ln, Suite 104 · Carrollton, TX

The meeting is available to remote members and interested parties using the info below.